This is a great succinct explainer! I need to bookmark this to pass along when people ask questions about the Ordinariate, because I always struggle with the best way to summarize it.

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@Annelise Roberts this has some info on the Ordinariate you might find interesting.

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I think most Catholics tend to assume all dioceses are geographical, since most are, but it's good to point out that there are other forms as well!

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I was in Houston Texas and by sheer accident, the nearest Catholic church was Our Lady of Walsingham , an Anglican Ordinariate . Mass was amazing, I love the fact that there is use of the King James English as well, beautiful service and beautiful church.

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Thanks for the explanation.

Could you provide some resources for me to learn more about the Anglican Ordinariate and its liturgical patrimony?

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Hello, Patrick, you might read Anglicanorum Coetibus to start with:


Here's a quick summary of our mission:


If you're interested in our patrimony, the best way to learn more is to visit an Ordinariate parish:


Our patrimony comes from the Anglican Church and includes the kind of music we sing, the bonds of fellowship we form, and of course, our style of reverent worship. It's easier to experience it than to explain it.

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Very helpful! Thanks.

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